Byleth×Alois Support Conversations
C Support
アロイス: おや、先生! 今日も仕事に励んでいるな!精の出ることだ。感心、感心。
このアロイスに手伝えることがあれば、何でも頼ってくれ! 何かあるだろう?
Alois: Hello, Professor! You're really on the move today. A lot to get done, I take it? I'm happy to help. Tell me, is there anything I can do to lighten your load a bit?
Choice 1: 特に困っていない Nothing comes to mind.
Choice 2: 気持ちは嬉しいが…… I appreciate the offer, but...
アロイス: むむ? そう言わずとも!さあ、何でも言ってくれ!
Alois: Oh, surely there must be something! Don't be shy about asking for help.
We're practically siblings, after all. Cut from the same cloth.
I was raised by Jeralt, just as you were. So we should have no trouble getting along.
Choice 1: 育てられた? You were raised by Jeralt?
アロイス: むむ、話していなかったか?私としたことが、何たる失態!
Alois: Did I not mention that? How thoughtless! What an embarrassing gaffe.
Choice 2: 兄妹? You think we're like siblings?
アロイス: はっはっは、まあ、それにしては年が離れすぎている気もするがな!
Alois: Well, I'll confess, there is a considerable age gap between us!
アロイス: 実はな、私は幼くして両親を亡くし、王国の修道院で暮らしていたのだが……
Alois: My parents died when I was small, and I came to live in the monastery.
It was an aimless existence. But sometimes, a knight would pass by, wearing magnificent armor.
That knight was Jeralt. And the first time he laid eyes on me, he made me his squire! What was he thinking, eh?
Choice 1: 無茶苦茶だ That's crazy.
Choice 2: ジェラルトらしい…… Sounds like Jeralt.
アロイス: であろう、であろう?団長は本当によくわからん方でなあ。
Alois: No kidding! I don't think I'll ever fully understand his logic.
Later, I heard that the squire preceding me had died of a terrible plague.
I looked a bit like him, and was about the same age, so Jeralt thought me a suitable replacement.
A little nutty, old Jeralt, there's no doubt about that. Quite a character.
All that was more than 30 years ago. How time flies.
Choice 1: 30年……? 30 years?
アロイス: ああそうだ、あれは確か私がまだ15歳にもならん頃の話だったはず……
Alois: That's right. I wasn't even 15 years old.
Choice 2: ジェラルトは何歳……? Do you know his age?
アロイス: 実は私も、はっきりとは知らんのだ。貴殿こそ聞いたことはないのか?
Alois: Actually, I'm not entirely sure. You never asked him?
アロイス: むむ……とにかくジェラルト殿が、当時からほとんど老けておらんのは確かだな。
Alois: Well, Jeralt hardly seems to have aged since then. In fact, over drinks he once told me... Ah, perhaps that's a story for another day. At any rate, that's Jeralt for you. One of a kind. I don't think there's anyone else quite like him.
Choice 1: そうかも Yeah, probably not.
Choice 2: そうかな…… If you say so...
アロイス: うむ。……さて。何はともあれ、これでわかっただろうか?
さあ、何か困り事を言うがいい! 先生!何でも力になろう! さあ!!
Alois: Right. Well, now you've heard my whole story.
I hope that you understand now why I feel such a strong sense of attachment to you.
If you're ever in a bind, just give me a holler. I'll help however I can.
Byleth: 間に合っている Thanks for offering, but I can handle myself.
アロイス: ぬっ……。そ、そうか。ならば今日のところは諦めるとしよう……。 もし何かあれば、何でも気兼ねなく私を頼ってくれ!
Alois: Indeed, indeed. Well, I'll let you get back to it. But truly, if I can take anything off your plate, don't hesitate to let me know.
B Support
アロイス: おお、先生。貴殿も釣りをしにきたのか?
Alois: Hello, Professor. What brings you here? Fancy a bit of fishing?
Choice 1: そうだ Yes.
Choice 2: アロイスを見かけて…… No. I saw you here and...
アロイス: おお! 何か困ったことでも…………むむ。その様子では、違うようだな。
Alois: Are you looking for help with something? Ah, no. Your eyes tell a different story.
アロイス: いやあ、しかし、釣りと言えば、ジェラルト殿だな。
Alois: You know, I can hardly go fishing without thinking of ol' Jeralt. He and I would just sit here, casting our lines again and again. I'm no better at it now than I was then! Not a single nibble.
Choice 1: 静かに待てばいい Maybe if you were quieter…
アロイス: むむ……流石はジェラルト殿の子、釣りには心得があるというわけか……。
Alois: Ah, just like your father. You know all the tricks of the fisherman's trade.
Choice 2: 才能がないのだろう You're not cut out for it.
アロイス: くっ……やはり貴殿はジェラルト殿の子!かつて、まったく同じことを言われたぞ!
Alois: Ah, just like your father! He used to tell me exactly the same thing
アロイス: しかし、私が釣り下手なのはさておき、団長は本当に釣りが上手くてな。
Alois: I was hopeless at it, but he was a master. In the time it took me to catch one fish, he could fill his basket to the brim. You know, talking to you, I'm feeling very nostalgic. Why don't you join me? We can trade some stories about the old man. We spoke before about how Jeralt never seemed to age, right?
Once, when he was drunk, he let the secret slip.
He said he'd had an infusion of Crest-bearing blood, and it had greatly extended his life.
Choice 1: 紋章の力で寿命が? Crests can make people live longer?
Choice 2: 冗談では? You're kidding, right?
アロイス: その時は、私も酒の席の冗談だと思って笑って聞いていただけだった。
Alois: Well, we'd both been drinking. I figured he was joking, so I just laughed it off. Then I asked him his age. He said he'd stopped counting after he hit one hundred. And he was telling the truth! In those 20 years he was away, he didn't age a bit. An incredible person, to be sure. And I probably don't know the half of it. Actually, I'd... I'd like to ask you something about Jeralt, if you don't mind. When Jeralt was away from the monastery, what was he like?
Choice 1: 釣りが好きだった liked to fish.
アロイス: はっはっは、それは昔からずっと変わっていなかったのだな。
Alois: In other words, he was exactly the same!
When he was with the knights, he always found time to go fishing. He was hooked on it, you might say!
He'd say there was no greater pleasure in life than sinking his teeth into a fish he'd caught, and washing it down with a drink.
Choice 2: 酒ばかり飲んでいた He did nothing but drink.
アロイス: はっはっは、それは昔からずっと変わっていなかったのだな。
Alois: In other words, he was exactly the same!
When I was his squire, he was always hollering for a drink. He just wouldn't put a cork in it!
But on the battlefield he was unequaled. That's why people used to call him the Blade Breaker.
アロイス: しかし……こうして先生と共に釣り糸を垂れていると……
Alois: I have to say, right now, fishing with you, it really takes me back. This feels just like the good ol' days, when Jeralt was sitting alongside me...
A Support
アロイス: ………………。
Alois: … Ah, there you are. Hello.
Choice 1: 元気がない…… You don't look as cheery as usual.
Choice 2: 珍しく暗い…… You look gloomy.
アロイス: むむ……すまん、少しばかり厄介な任務に出てきたところでな。
Alois: Oh, yes. Apologies. I'm struggling with some unpleasant thoughts.
Since the war began, I've ended so many lives.
You and your students got your hands dirty as well.
Nobody forced you all to join the fight, of course. You did so of your own volition.
Still. There must be something very wrong with the world, for it to make children into killers.
Choice 1: もう子供ではない I'm not a child.
Choice 2: 気持ちはわかるが…… I know what you mean.
アロイス: むむっ、それはそうだが……やはり、そう簡単に割り切れるものでもないのだ。
Alois: That's true enough. We've all gotten older. Ah, listen to me! I'm sorry for being so glum.
Choice 1: 男前が台無し You're more handsome when you smile.
Choice 2: 憂いのある顔も男前 You're handsome when you brood.
アロイス: ………………。……ぷっ、はっはっはっは!
よく言うわ! 私がどんな顔をしたって、男前には程遠いだろうが!
Alois: Well said! In truth, I don't think my expression will improve my looks. I'm a brute, no matter what face I pull! Ah, you really are just like Jeralt. When I was down in the dumps, he'd cheer me up with a playful quip. He gave me his library of jokes. But when I tell one of them, nobody laughs at the punchline. They laugh at me! You, on the other hand. You inherited the old man's comic talents. I'm feeling pretty perky now, all thanks to you. I can't stop this war by feeling gloomy about it. Onward! To a brighter future.
Byleth: そのとおり Hear, hear!
アロイス: ま、実を言うと、この台詞もジェラルト殿の受け売りなのだがな。
Alois: To tell you the truth, that was another line I picked up from Jeralt.
He taught me everything about life. He was more important to me than anyone in the world.
Apart from you, perhaps.
Choice 1: ジェラルトの子供だから? Because Jeralt was my father?
アロイス: もちろん、そのこともあるが、今は、それだけではない。
Alois: Sure, there's that, but not only that.
Choice 2: 照れる…… You're making me blush.
アロイス: はっはっは、そう照れずともいい。むしろ、当然だ、と受け止めてくれ。
Alois: Come on, no need to blush! It's the truth.
アロイス: これまで貴殿の姿を見、共に戦う中で、貴殿を兄妹のように思うと同時に……
Alois: When I look at you or see you fighting in battle, it's like I'm seeing a sibling. But at the same time... it's like seeing something sacred and powerful. Something I must defend. You're so important to the future of Fódlan... And to me. I promise to continue protecting you, with the strength of a knight and the love of a big brother.
Choice 1: どちらかと言えば父親では…… You're more like a dad to me than a brother.
アロイス: た、確かに年を考えればそうなのだが……むむむ、団長との間柄を考えると……むむ。
Alois: That makes sense, when you consider the age difference between us, and my closeness to Jeralt. Regardless—in the name of the captain, I swear to keep you safe!
Choice 2: 頼りにしている I'm counting on you.
アロイス: うむ! このアロイス、ジェラルト殿の名に懸けて、貴殿を守り通してみせよう!
Alois: Good! In the name of Jeralt, I swear to keep you safe!
Alois: You're welcome to return the favor, should you feel so inclined!
アロイス: はっはっは、どうか今後も頼むぞ!
S Support
Byleth: ………………。 …
アロイス: むむっ、こんなところでどうしたのだ。誰かを待っているのか?
Alois: Hey, what're you doing here? Waiting for someone?
Choice 1: アロイスを I was waiting for you.
アロイス: はっはっは、貴殿はやはり冗談が上手い!私とは、約束もしていないではないか。
Alois: Aha! You've got a knack for rib-ticklers, no bones about it. We weren't planning to meet up.
Choice 2: ひげ面のおじさんを I'm waiting for a bearded man.
アロイス: おっと、それは失礼したな。私の用は後で……む、それは私のことか?
Alois: Oh, well, sorry to bother you... Wait. Are you talking about me? And my beard?
アロイス: しかし……長い戦いだったな。ようやくフォドラも落ち着いてきた。
Alois: Anyway... Things seem to have quieted down across all of Fódlan
But we can't slow down now!
The work's only just begun! In fact, we'll probably be busier than ever.
Choice 1: 休みたい I need to rest.
アロイス: はっはっは……。ま、それもそうであろうな。
Alois: Hah! You do look quite worn out.
Choice 2: 一緒に頑張ろう Let's get started!
アロイス: うむ。私も貴殿の力となれるよう努めよう。
Alois: Agreed! I'll always be here to support you.
アロイス: ……まあ、いろいろと片づいた頃にでもまたゆっくりと釣りでもしよう。
Alois: But when we've got a little breathing room, I'd like to go fishing with you. We can sit by the water together and idly cast our lines, not a care in the world… Ah, ahem. It occurs to me. Were you really waiting for someone? A little rendezvous, perhaps?
Choice 1: 実はある Actually, yes.
アロイス: ……何っ、それは誰だ!?私の知る相手か! そうなのか!?
ぐぬぬ……!ジェラルト殿ー! 見ていてください!
Alois: Ah, good for you! You're at that age, after all... Time to settle down. Well, ahem I should get going.
Choice 2: 本当にない Actually, no.
アロイス: むむっ、本当か?ははは、まあ、そういうこともあろう。
Alois: Really? You're not getting any younger. Perhaps it's time you settled down. Well, ahem! I should get going.
Byleth: 余計なお世話だ You're acting strange.
アロイス: すまん、すまん。貴殿のこととなると、ついつい気持ちが入ってしまってな。
Alois: I'm sorry. It's just, when it comes to your life, I get emotional, you know?
You''ve done so well.
You've persisted through so many obstacles, and you just kept on fighting.
I have no doubt Captain Jeralt's looking down proudly from heaven right now.
And of course, I'm proud of you too. I'm a very proud big brother.
Byleth: 兄は無理があるってば Cut it out with the "big brother" thing.
アロイス: むっ……そこは聞き流してくれても良いではないか。
Alois: You could have let that one slide...
At any rate, let's keep marching forward, together.
For Fódlan! For the captain!
Choice 1: これからもよろしく I can count on you, right?
Choice 2: 頼りにしている I know I can count on you.
アロイス: はっはっは、ああ、何でも頼ってくれ!私はいつでも貴殿の味方でいよう!
Alois: Of course you can count on me! As long as I live, I'll be your most faithful ally!